Love & Time Conference

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2022 Love & Time Conference! Click the image to visit the playlist of recorded talks, or the links below to visit a specific talk.

Hope Intervention

Hope is a public health and personal health issue. When you experience hope, it improves physical and emotional wellbeing.

Hope Intervention, which ran from March – June 2020, was a free, live, science-based, clinically informed 30-minute experiential video webinar supported in part by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Sessions were led by TILT founder and Executive Director Dr. Julia Mossbridge, a futurist who studies time and the relationship of people to time, and Dr. Michael Sapiro, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and meditation teacher and researcher. Sometimes they included a special guest.

As a complement to the Hope Intervention Videos, Dr. Mossbridge and Dr. Laura Nissen published an article on the science of hope, found here.

Below are the videos from the Hope Intervention Series. Please enjoy them.

Hope Intervention Video Series