
Influencing Healing Through Time

When we are sick or hurt, the most urgent and necessary actions are right at that “crisis moment”. If our immediate needs get handled and the recovery process begins, we can take some time to use intention to support the recovery process. In the Temporaceuticals project, we are testing the idea that intention can actually be “sent back in time” to support wellbeing – to actually physically and mentally influence ourselves in the past.
Imagine folding a piece of paper, where the fold is at the time of the event. Now imagine where the paper touches itself. The fold is a crisis event, and one side is the past, the other the future. The closer we act after the crisis (the closer to the fold on the future side), the more we can positively influence the crisis, (the closer to the fold on the past side). The further away from the moment we go, the further before the event we can go back. This is part of the hypothesis we are exploring. We call the project “Temporaceuticals” because if this hypothesis is correct, it opens a field of pharmaceuticals that, instead of working with medicines, work in concert with time to heal.

For our first Temporaceuticals study, we will ask 2,000-10,000 people to record personal well-being measures and take a selfie that will be analyzed for wellbeing measures. Then at a certain future time we will provide them with temporaceutical meditations that have them focus on unconditional love, and put their focus either on the past or the future. Several days later, matching the time between the initial assessment and the meditations, participants will complete the same well-being measures and selfie.

How can we possibly change something that happened? We don’t actually change things, we influence them. This “retrocausal impact” is not change, because that implies what happened was not going to happen – it implies multiple timelines. Rather, the idea is that things that happened were always going to go a certain way – the way that they happened. However, the mechanics of what happened may well be influenced not only by what preceded that moment, but also by what followed that moment.

Some interpretations of quantum mechanics suggest that events in both the past and the future influence the present. We intend to find out how to enhance our capacity to do so. From here, we will begin to understand more about temporaceuticals – specifically how precise the process is, whether it can impact prognoses from emergencies like stroke and traumatic brain injury, whether we can do this process for someone else or only for ourselves. As is our working ethos at TILT, we will follow wherever the results point us – as long as it is beneficial for humanity and the planet.

Participate in this groundbreaking study!

The Temporaceuticals study is coming in June 2022! – Sign up here to get on the list of interested participants.