Accessing Unconditional Love Through Gazing
From before birth, the healthy development of a human being requires a responsive environment. That responsiveness, especially after birth, is most powerful when it contains loving sound, loving touch, and loving gaze.
What we’ve forgotten is that this powerful experience is available to us even as adults. We can re-learn to be responsive to ourselves and others in a loving way, without words. Through the power of gazing at each other’s eyes, without any other way to communicate, we begin to let go of our fear, expectation, loneliness, and desires for recognition. Instead, we allow ourselves to see, and to be fully seen – and in so doing, to love without conditions.
Vis-à-Vis guides us to look into our own eyes with love, and then learn to look into the eyes of others. In so doing, we open ourselves to the power of unconditional love.

Self Gaze
This app begins by presenting us with Self Gaze, the chance to first learn to look at ourselves, to be with ourselves in a loving container. While blurring out everything else, you begin to look deeply into your own eyes while listening to a meditation guiding you to unconditionally love the person whose eyes you are seeing – your own.
Through practice, we begin to appreciate the power of loving ourselves fully, when looking directly into our own eyes, without worry for how our facial expressions or surroundings might influence our experience of ourselves.

Mutual Gaze
Once you have spent time learning to gaze at yourself, you are ready to practice the next phase of the experience – Mutual Gaze. This is done by pre-scheduling a meeting with someone who is also interested in scheduling a Mutual Gaze session, where both of your identities remain unknown to the other.
When it is time for your Mutual Gaze session, you are asked to start with a brief Self Gaze practice. Connecting with yourself first allows you to calm down and recognize that your gaze partner will also be taking the time to connect lovingly with themselves. This shared experience, though done alone, allows for a deeper, more interconnected experience during Mutual Gaze begins.
Experience the Beta Test
Vis-à-Vis will be beta-testing in Summer 2022. If you would like to help us further develop this app, please sign up here.